Thursday, March 31, 2011
gonna try that out for a while, we still have lots of catching up to do here.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Can you tell me how to get back to the subway from Avenue Q?
Princeton and I ,goofing around.
last week , I went to NYC, to see Avenue Q, had not seen the show since it Opened 6 years ago. I was Lucky enough to work on the show For Rick Lyon's Company, "The Lyon Puppets", It came at a great time since I had just finished doing some work on "Crank Yankers" and was dealing with my first year of "Freelance" puppet building. I had done some work with Rick here and their over the years , on weekends , when i was off from my job as a puppet builder for the Jim Henson Company.
Avenue Q was great a great experience. Not only is Rick a accomplished performer, and Puppeteer, he is a wonderful Puppet designer as well, and Avenue Q really showed that.It was a Honor to be part of what truly was a Ground breaking Theatre experience, and it not often that Puppet Builders get their names in Playbill.
Thanks and Congratulations to Rick Lyon, and Avenue Q for 6 amazing years on Broadway.
read carefully , I'm in their somewhere :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
It's a Jungle out there, and in my workshop as well.
The Foosa, 2009
Madagasgar Hissing Cockroach , with Common NYC Roach
Madagasgar Hissing Cockroach , with Common NYC Roach
One Very Large Sneaker,
The Eastern Painted Turtle
Prairie Dog and Rabbit
American BullFrog.

for the past several years i have built puppets and props for the Central park zoo. Its always a fun project no matter what the deadline, I get to build stuff that i might not otherwise think of, and the reaction they get from the kids and the crowds at the zoos are always fantaftic.
This past year alone i worked on a Madacascar Hissing Cockroach, a Foosa, and did some repairs on some older props i had worked on. here are some puppets from over the years that i have done fro the Central Park Zoo, and the Bronx zoo, and Queens and Prospect park zoos.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
My first failed attempt at Blogging

I started the blog to promote a new Show at , a Not for profit Marionette and Hand puppet Theatre in Brooklyn NY, Puppetworks was my first professional job as a puppeteer, and i still work with them today.
I have done a few jobs with a Company called charged in NYC, they do a lot of commercial work, but have also pitched and developed some concepst for Tv and the Internet, My first gig with them was for a show called "Smoking Gun TV"based off the stories on the website., i was hired as art department, but i also did a good amount of puppeteering as well.
a coupel years later they developed a show for (now part of the website i belive). The show was called " TIME SUCK" and was about two office mates . Benji the dog , and Patches the human. It was essentialy a parody of the crazy viral videos that we all look for on line. Here a few of puppets i built for the show. we where under a time crunch (it always seesm that way) I think i had about a 4 or 5 days to get all three done.
to bad i cant seem to find any links to the videos we did, Here is the link for Chrged though

a coupel years later they developed a show for (now part of the website i belive). The show was called " TIME SUCK" and was about two office mates . Benji the dog , and Patches the human. It was essentialy a parody of the crazy viral videos that we all look for on line. Here a few of puppets i built for the show. we where under a time crunch (it always seesm that way) I think i had about a 4 or 5 days to get all three done.
to bad i cant seem to find any links to the videos we did, Here is the link for Chrged though

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
sorry for the lack of Update today
was a long and stupid day , and i just didn't have time, so here is a picture of that Beaky Monster dude, he looks like i felt today, Good night , Ill try to do a More substantial post on Thursday at some point.
ahh the joys of Frustration.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Late day post ,
Hey all, its a late day post today.I was called in to do one of my Part time job (Oh joy.) and i am just now getting in front of the computer.

I really have nothing to say about this one, The project fell apart do to a number of issues , all i know is that some designs do not make good puppets.
Some one on was saying they liked this frog i built for "Johnny and the Sprites"so here is a pick of her, and a few other frogs i have done over the years.

She was designed by Michael Schupbach, (of the puppet kitchen) and i worked from His design and under his art Direction, from what i know she was a real hit .I only was on set in the work room for 3 -4 day in the afternoons building her(i was working at a YMCA that summer teaching a puppet building class to kids as well)

She was designed by Michael Schupbach, (of the puppet kitchen) and i worked from His design and under his art Direction, from what i know she was a real hit .I only was on set in the work room for 3 -4 day in the afternoons building her(i was working at a YMCA that summer teaching a puppet building class to kids as well)
I wish i had a better picture than this , I built this frog for the Central Park zoo, i was very happy with the way he came out , i need to get in to get some better shots of him some day .

This little guy was originally going to be a part of a Video i did for the San Fransisco Outside lands Music Festival This year , but he decided the set didn't have room for him. He ended up appearing in the "Kiss The Girl ...Continued" Video i did with
This is Blotch , The Bullfrog bully from "Kermit's Swamp Years", I built two of them, one had a Eye Mech designed by Larry Jameson, the other was just some possible armature wire. I was very happy with the way the puppet came out. Not so much with the way the Movie came out.

I really have nothing to say about this one, The project fell apart do to a number of issues , all i know is that some designs do not make good puppets.
I love this little guy, I wonder what ever happened to this project, Ill have to do a post about this one in the future.
Finally here is a Marionette i built for "PUPPETWORKS INC." in Brooklyn NYC, I don't work full time their. but i go in an do work whenever they need me, I'm actually working on a New Frog for this show. we wanted a plumber , less athletic looking frog for the "Frog Prince. That's it for today , I have two more deliveries, and then back down to the basement/workshop, to finish some other projects.
Have a good one.
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